Home , Avrupa , 1 September World Peace Day WE WILL NOT PAY FOR YOUR WAR!

1 September World Peace Day WE WILL NOT PAY FOR YOUR WAR!

1 September 1939 is the anniversary of the 2nd imperialist war of division that started with Germany’s invasion of Poland. It is also the day when people around the world who are against war take to the streets to expose and protest unjust wars. This year, taking to the streets on 1 September against unjust wars, poverty and massacres gains more meaning. The regional wars in the Middle East have now been brought to the borders of Europe. On 24 February, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a new phase was entered. On the one hand, the USA, backed by the European Union (EU), and on the other hand, Russia, backed by China and thus the Shanghai Union. The proxy wars in the Middle East continue with the direct intervention of the imperialists in Ukraine. This intervention is deepening the conflict between the imperialist powers.

The fascist Turkish state, which takes advantage of this process to its favour, carries out new massacres against the Kurds. The Turkish state, which sees the gains of the Kurds in Rojava as a threat on its border, constantly conducts operations in the border region where the Kurds live and carries out massacres with chemical weapons.

War is massacre

In recent years, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives in regional wars in North Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine. In addition, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency, 23 million people leave their countries and seek asylum in other countries every year due to wars, conflicts, and unequal sharing of natural resources. In the recent period, this number has increased even more with the intense refugee migration due to the war in Ukraine. In total, approximately 105 million people live as refugees, the overwhelming majority of whom are women and children.

War is hunger and poverty

The financial and economic crisis that the imperialist system is in has become even more dimensional, first with the pandemic and then with the war in Ukraine. The billions transferred to the big monopolies during the pandemic period started to be taken back from the people with various games after a while. In this very process, under the pretext of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, all necessities, especially basic food, and energy, were excessively increased all over the world. This has led to a growing impoverishment in European countries. According to a report published by the World Bank in mid-March, 3.4 billion people worldwide live below the poverty line. According to the same report, 760 million people in the world live below the hunger limit. According to the results of the research, 11 people die of hunger every minute.

In Europe, despite rising prices, wages remain low, deepening the impoverishment of the masses. According to the latest data published by the European statistical office Eurostat, annual inflation in the 19-country Eurozone was 8.9 per cent in July. While the masses have become poorer, the rich have increased their wealth.  According to the report published by Oxfam in March, the world’s total of 2755 billionaires increased the volume of their asset funds from 8.6 trillion to 13.8 trillion by 5 trillion since 2020. These figures show that while those who make up one per cent of the world increase their wealth in these wars, those who make up ninety-nine per cent of the world face hunger and poverty.

To the streets, to action against war and poverty!

The cause of this war and poverty is the system itself. The system feeds on crisis, war, and exploitation. However, we have only one weapon, the common struggle of workers and labourers against the system. On this occasion; As ATIK, we call on the World Peace Day on 1 September (1 September anti-war day), we call on the local and immigrant democratic forces in Europe to unite against war and poverty and to increase the common struggle on the streets.


ATİK- 1 September World Peace Day Eng