Home , Flugblätter , Föderationen , ATIF , Die Lasten der Krise sollen doch als Verursacher die Kapitalisten selbst tragen, NICHT DIE LOHNABHÄNGIGEN!

Die Lasten der Krise sollen doch als Verursacher die Kapitalisten selbst tragen, NICHT DIE LOHNABHÄNGIGEN!

atiflogoATIF | 03.30.2012 | The global financial and economic crisis of monopoly capital rocked the imperialist centers and reveals itself again as a law of the structural properties of capital. The resulting social, political and cultural crises reveal themselves more clearly as a consequence of economic crises and thus increase the social contradictions. To the situation in terms of capital to be Lord of production brought about all manner of ways in the past using massive ideological propaganda, liberalization of markets, reorganization. This gave the capital the ability to keep your parasitic power longer upright and push forward.


The antagonistic contradiction between capital and labor was reorganized by the tightening of the conditions of „slavery“ for the purpose of „domination“ and reacted with all his might. Poverty, destitution, homelessness, unemployment, lack of education and lack of opportunities to beat the heart of Europe into outrage and mass protests themselves for the so-called „economically developed“ countries due to their uncontrollability of the state problem. The structural and cyclical crises of overproduction and the resulting distribution of crises as a result of the way of accumulation, the concentration and centralization of monopoly capital. The enforcement of the capitalist order after maximum profit negated so compelling social interests of society and especially the wage earners, the people reified only as a commodity and labor force, thus subjecting the nature of your enemy’s purpose.

In times of crises intensified the imperialist powers increase with new rules, the exploitation, oppression and plunder the more to push through their own anti-social and anti-people interests against the working class and peoples of the world ideologically, politically and militarily. But the bill’s ruling is starting to show. As we can easily see the „Arab Spring“ and the popular uprisings of North Africa to Athens, Madrid, Paris, London and other European cities. The peoples of the answer anywhere imposed imperialist projects and verdeutlichten by their radical protests again that the imbalance in the distribution of wealth and produced as well as the growing inequities constitute indispensable forms of the imperialist-capitalist dictatorship.

We protest everywhere, and especially today in Frankfurt vigorously against the decisions of the troika of the European Commission, IMF and ECB and against the anti-social austerity policies of the respective governments trying with all his might shift the burden of the crisis on the backs of wage earners and migrants and the helping to preserve capitalist classes.

We therefore demand in Germany:

  • Stop lending, and temporary work!
  • € 12 minimum wage per hour!
  • 6-hour working at full pay!
  • Equal pay for equal work for women!
  • Pension for men and 60 years for women age 55!
  • Free education from kindergarten to university!
  • Active and passive voting rights for immigrants!
  • Better access-, and equal opportunities for education, work and culture for immigrants!
  • For a political, human and just and right of asylum!
  • Prohibition of all fascist parties and organizations, particularly the NPD!
  • Abolition of all organs of the intelligence and the intelligence service!

Long live international solidarity!


March 31, 2012 | 14:00 clock

Frankfurt am Main – Station


ATIF – Federation of Arbeiter_innen from Turkey to Germany

Flyer – March 31