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ATIF: Sollen doch die Banken und Konzerne zur Kasse!

atiflogoDUISBURG | 09.25.2012 | The ongoing financial, economic crises euros of monopoly capitalism drive the public debts socially intolerable degree. The speculative gains in global financial markets explode despite the ongoing structural and cyclical crises. The redistribution crisis comes to a head in Europe. The private wealth of the super rich now appreciate gigantic volume. The capital that is looking for the highest return, completely beyond social responsibility. The rich are thus still richer, the poor get poorer! Massive poverty, misery and social insecurity is a crisis agenda in Europe; also in the FRG.

In order to finance ever-growing national debt, although these are caused by unbridled subsidies, bailouts for big business, but only the wage earners are drawn to the checkout. The legitimate demands for greater taxing the rich are called „untimely“ and dismissed by the bourgeois politics classified as „dangerous“. The growing imbalance in favor of the wealthy classes strongly damages and irreparable (the little known anyway) solidarity in social life. The capital in its fundamental nature has always been anti-social. But the big bourgeois economic policy for „Wachstum-, and Development“, in the service of financial capitalism produces world more than ever, injustice, social insecurity and hopelessness.

Imperialism calls every day and everywhere new forms of the crisis. The international financial markets have grown into a unique foaming agent of social destruction and provoke new crises on a daily basis. The energy crisis, the environmental crisis, the cultural-, sozialen-, and political crises, and the steady-state wars are a few examples. The result of the current crisis of the imperialist system is mass impoverishment, disenfranchisement and expulsion world.

We all wage earners and progressive people from different countries, must more than ever stick together and organize liberation struggles together. After all, “ who fights can lose, who does not fight has already lost „ ! We want to fight for a different, better, more just world! A better world is possible only if we fight shoulder to shoulder together against the capitalist barbarism!

We demand:

Higher wages, shorter hours and reduced taxes on wage earners!

More taxes, no power for Rich and Wealthy!

More education, training, and jobs!

Abolition of time and temporary work!

For the freedom to reside for migrants and refugees !,

Equal Rights for All!

Equal pay for equal work, equal opportunities for men and women!

Justice, democracy and freedom for the people

We call on all progressive people to participate in mass demonstrations on 29 September in different cities!

Demo Bochum: Kick-off rally 12:00 am Hauptbahnhof

Demo Cologne: start of the rally: 12:00 am Roncalliplatz

Demo Frankfurt: start of the rally: 12:00 am Hauptbahnhof

Demo Hamburg: Kick-off rally 12:00 Adolphsplatz    

Demo Berlin: Kick-off rally: 11:30 am Potsdamer Platz



. Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse 284  47169 Duisburg Email: atif_almanya@yahoo.de    Date: 21/09/2012