Vienna | 24-07-2014 | End the criminalization of Anti-Fascist activist interior.
The verdict against Joseph. S must be removed immediately.
On 23 January we witnessed in Vienna to protest against the fraternity of learning, which are nothing more than fascist and right-wing forces, organized Vienna Academics ball. Like every year, this year brought together the major European rights and fascist ringleaders of the ball. Hundreds of anti-fascists gathered together to demonstrate against the fascist Event and show that in Vienna there is no place for fascists. During the demonstration, there were violent clashes between police and demonstrators inside, after the police brutally attacked the demonstration. In the course were several people n the police
arrested and many were injured. Including the 23 year-old student Joseph S. is flown in from Germany. In the next few days, was in the Austrian
press, especially against so-called „left anarchists“ and „Krawaltouristen“ rushed
and the blame for the escalation and violence breaks only at the protesters and
the so-called Black Bloc. wanted. It is blamed for that it is wrong to mobilize everywhere against fascism and racism Joseph S.. In court, he is accused of other things but this is exactly what is running out.
Joseph S. were provisionally in custody due to „danger of collusion“
locked and subsequently convicted of serious bodily injury, breach of the peace and
charged with criminal damage.
Questionable process.
After more than six months in custody, Joseph was sentenced to 12 months at 7.23 part Conditional imprisonment. Although there was no evidence during the trial that Joseph had ever been involved in the riots. The court was based solely on the testimony of a police officer who repeatedly embroiled in his statements and made dubious information, this is that the court no objectivity displayed if it was based solely on the testimony of a police officer who was himself in the riots here and Joseph S. could not clearly identify. With over 700 images, video footage, statements of journalists and garbage men only came Joseph was only involved in the demonstration and when communal riots out
was the police and demonstrators came on the scene. However, not he, as a
single alleged civilian police with stones and garbage containers on the police
had gone off. 12 months conditional sentence
Although there is no evidence of the offense of Joseph S. and also during the
whole process over again to contradictions in the testimony of the police officers and
other witnesses came, it comes in „Doubt“ not in favor of political activists
! With the statements: „Of course, a statement is a weak evidence, but
you must be able to rely on the testimony of the witness. We live yes, thank God,
not in a police state where every official has a camera, or drones
flying around, „reasoned the judge his judgment. Even if the required maximum
penalty of up to 5 years, after only „12 months“ was reduced to probation.
Affected are few, we are all meant!
Joseph S. stands for all anti-fascists against the law Extremes ideas and
are actively fascism in court. Him an example to be statuiert, namely
the Austrian State from now on wird.Auch when the verdict was now only performed against a single act against all anti-fascists, tomorrow we will also be affected. That is why we must work together against the political judgment was imposed Joseph S. proceed.
The verdict against Joseph S. must be removed immediately!
Stop the political attacks on anti-fascists and anti-fascist
Freedom for all political prisoners!
Long live international solidarity!