Home , Europe , Yılmaz Güney commemorated at his grave

Yılmaz Güney commemorated at his grave

fransaPARIS | 09-09-2013 | The members of the Paris Platform of Democratic Mass Organisations have held a commemoration at Yılmaz Güney’s grave. Approximately 250 people gathered at Güney’s grave at the  Pere Lachaise Graveyard.

The commemoration started with a minute of silence, afterwards the platforms common statement was read. Quoting the statement “A seed of the revolutionary cultural art front fell to the earth in September 1984. The name of this seed is the peoples widely known and remembered revolutionary artist  Yılmaz Güney who till present is the source and example of revolutionary artists”.

Representatives of ATIK, ACTIT, Alınteri, Odak, Dersim Cultural Centre, Bir-kar and Kurdish Cultur Academy attended the commemoration where also attention was drawn to the  Taksim, Rojava and the most recent political developments.