The revolutionary activist and journalist Turgut Kaya , who recently fled from Turkey, was taken into custody by the Greek police in February 2018. The final decision of the Supreme Court in Athens on May 30th recommended his extradition to Turkey. According to this unjust decision of the Supreme Court, Turgut Kaya is to be extradited to the torture centres of Turkey.The final political decision on the extradition will be made in the coming days by the Ministry of Justice in Athens.
During his previous imprisonment in Turkey, where he worked as a journalist, Turgut Kaya was repeatedly subjected to the most severe tortures. For this reason, his extradition under the current circumstances would again have life-threatening consequences. The Erdogan regime is well konwn worldwide for its brutal attitude towards the left and Kurdish political opposition. The Greek judiciary and the government in Athens would be accountable for the serious consequences of the extradition of Turgut Kaya! It is very important right now to launch a swift active and international protest against the impending unjust extradition of Turgut Kaya. In the case the extradition is carried, this would be set a precedent and would pose a threat to many politically persecuted immigrants and activists.
As progressive organizations and individuals globally, we call for solidarity with Turgut Kaya and the successful prevention of his extradition.
Freedom for Turgut Kaya and all political prisoners worldwide!
First signatories of this call are:

⦁ ATIK (Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe)
⦁ YENI KADIN (New Woman)
⦁ YDG (New Democratic Youth)
⦁ ENILKOM (International Relations Committee of ATIK)
⦁ UPOTUDAK (Solidarity committee with international political prisoners)
⦁ ATIF (Federation of Workers from Turkey in Germany)
⦁ HTIF (Federation of Workers from Turkey in Netherlands)
⦁ Partizan
⦁ YDG (New Democrat Youth)
⦁ Rote Hilfe e.V. (Red Help)
⦁ Internationalistisches Bündnis (KOG) (International Union)
⦁ KCDK-E (European Kurdish Democratic Societies Congress)
⦁ MLPD (Marxist Leninist Party Germany)
⦁ FIDEF (Federation of Federal Workers’ Associations of Germany)
⦁ ADHK (European Confederation of Democratic Rights)
⦁ AvEG-Kon (Confederation of Migrant Workers)
⦁ Rebell
⦁ Yaşanacak Dünya (Revolutionary Newspaper)
⦁ Odak Avrupa (Revolutionary Newspaper)
⦁ Eğitim ve Dayanışma Hareketi Avrupa (Education and Solidarity Movement Europe)
⦁ AZADİ e.V. (Freedom e.V.)
⦁ FEDA (Democratic Alevi Federation)
⦁ ICOR Europa (International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties & Organizations)
⦁ MIKSZ Magyar Ifjúság Közösségi Szervezete (Organization of Hungarian Youth Community)
⦁ Bir-Kar-Halkların Birliği işçilerin kardeşliği Federasyonu (Federation of brotherhood of workers)
⦁ Yeni Dünya Çağrı (New World Call)
⦁ Crisis & Critique – GR
⦁ Jugendwiderstand
⦁ AGIF – Federation of Migrant Workers in Germany
⦁ SKB – Socialist Women`s Union
⦁ YS – Young Struggle

Haluk Gerger – Researcher Author
Sibel Özbudun – Researcher Author
Temel Demirer – Researcher Author
Micheal Sommer, Meinersen
Silvia Sedelmayr (The Left LAGqueer Nds.)
Hamza Yalçın – Researcher Author
Mustafa Sarısülük
Kerem Schamberger – Activist of the marxist left
Elisabeth Abendroth, Franfurt am Mein