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Public Meeting on Operation Green Hunt in Florence

ITALY | 23 – 09 – 2010 | Indian state’s war against its own people. People’s resistance against war

Operation Green Hunt differs from other wars the governments wage against peoples (in Palestine, Kurdistan, Colombia, etc.) because of it size. The troops are more than those in Afghanistan war (from 150.000 to 200.000 troops already massed). It runs over a land as big as France and Germany together, where one hundred millions of natives live. It aims to devastate this land, today covered by forests and considered the green hearth of Asia, giving it to big foreign and national companies for industrial projects, and to expel the people by force. As the size of the Operation, it is an extermination war.

Little is known about this war because of government censorship and because the Operation is still going on by low intensity. The government hesitates to launch the war with all troops and weapons prepared because of the resistance of indigenous people, owner of the land according to the Constitution, never defeated all along history and military organized, and because of the opposition growing in India and all over the world of all the people struggling for human and civil rights, for people’s rights, against globalization, against the devastation of environment, for peace.

Let’s build also  in Italy a solidarity movement with Indian people resisting against war.

The well known Indian writer Arundathi Roy is in the forefront in the struggle against Operation Green Hunt. In the last year she went in the areas the government is attacking, and when she came back she wrote a report. The Publishing House Rapporti Sociali of Milan translated it and made a book, including an interview to G.N. Saibaba, professor in New Dehli University who carries out with Arundathi Roy and a growing range of intellectuals, professionals, scientists and civil society members the struggle to prevent India from selling, its people from being slaughtered, its forests from being devastated. The book is a precious instrument for knowing the situation, and will be presented at the initiative.

All social and political organizations and all people interested in building a campaign of information, denounce and solidarity with Indian people are invited.

Friday 24 September 2010 h 21

Workers’ Circle Porta al Prato

via delle Porte Nuove 33, Florence

Stop Green Hunt Committee

Florence, via dei Conciatori 4 rosso, in the Social Rights House

e-mail stopgreenhunt@libero.it

tel. 3351246551 – 3314381531 – sip Firenze 14.09.10