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Let’s enhance international solidarity for the workers-struggle at DESA, Grup Suni Leather and Yeşil Kundura, to be successful!

TURKEY | 26 – 01 – 2011 | Worldwide there are very important new developments in the people’s struggles. All over the world, including Europe, the struggles of the workers are increasing. As the actions and strikes in France and England are still in every one’s mind, now similar developments are taking place in Turkey. Yesterday the TEKEL workers resistance was the main topic on the agenda, and today there are the LEATHER workers actions which are even more challenging.

In a country like Turkey it is reason enough to lay somebody off from work because he/she is being a member of a trade union; the resisting workers of DESA, Suni Leather Group and Yeşil Kundura are challenging this again.

Some facts about the situation of the workers:

“The oppression of the workers of DESA continues. With the awakening of the working class in Duzce and the increasing struggle, the workers in DESA became members of the trade union, and the company owners increased its repression against the workers. Especially the harassment and humiliating treatment of the workers has increased.”

“The DESA administration records the union workers via video camera, they are being watched the whole day, and especially towards woman workers they are using this method. They call them and put pressure on them to resign from the trade union.”

“In sectors where toxic chemical substances are used, the poor ventilation of the halls damages the health of the workers, creating chronic health problems for the workers. The company administration tries to prevent union from organizing the workers in DESA on these issues.”

“In Corlu, where there was an organizing campaign to protect the fundamental social and legal rights of the workers and a initiative to develop this work was undertaken, the company management of the Suni Leather Group tried to lay off some of the workers.”

The Leather Trade Union chairperson has, on January 14th 2011, addressed this situation. As it can be seen the developing workers struggle faces interference and repression all over the world. Thus, in Europe, police forces under the directive of the bosses of big imperialist companies are attacking workers that are struggling in the streets, and in Turkey the workers are being attacked in an even more reactionary and inhuman manner.

It is expressed that organizing and demanding democratic rights is a “natural right” on earth, but in Turkey there is severe denial of such rights, as the workers of DESA, Suni Leather and Yeşil Kundura have experienced. In a country like Turkey in where the words and songs of “democracy” are being uttered the most, still the union struggle is being declared as “illegal” in official regulations. Workers and toilers that participate in this struggle have to consider practices comparable to torture. To organize and to struggle for our fundamental rights is our natural right.

We as ATIK salute and support the ongoing legal and justified resistance of the resisting workers.  Another important fact is that many of the company owners in Turkey have trade relations in Europe. It should not be forgotten that the workers struggle is a international struggle. Every resistance has the need for broad support. In order to show support all over the world to the workers in Turkey, we call on every individual and institution that is on the side of the workers to support the resisting workers.