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Güler Zere is dead!

İSTANBUL | 09 – 05 – 2010 | Güler Zere a former political prisoner of the DHKP-C has died in her home today at 16:50 PM in Armutlu/Istanbul because of cancer. Zere was 14 years in prison and because of ill treatment and bad conditions, torture she got cancer.

The government didn’t provide the needed treatment for her even when the cancer already got bad. This means that the government purposely killed her.  Her comrades and democratic institutions had started a campaign under the slogan “Freedom for Guler Zere!” the campaign was successful in a extend that she was released a couple of month ago.

But cancer had already moved forward and for this reason she lost her live and it is the responsibility of the AKP government that has killed her. If would she would had get a permanent treatment right from the start she might have been able to defeat her illness.