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Free Mehmet Comut!

Another case of inhumane and provocative practices on political refugees by the German Legal System!

atik_logokucukGERMANY | 09 – 11 – 2008 | On October 24, German police has arrested Mehmet Comut while he was on a family visit at Freiburg,Germany. His arrest follows a request from the Turkish authorities for his extradition. Previously Mehmet Comut spent many years in the prisons of Turkey and was prosecuted for TKP-ML case. After the 19th December 2000 Prison Massacre imposed by the TC (Republic of Turkey) Comut went on a Death Strike and was later paroled due to his serious health conditions.

As Comut did not have the opportunity to live freely and recover from his health conditions he went to France to seek refuge and lived there for the past few years. He is still waiting for a decision regarding his refugee status from the French State authority and only holds a temporary residence document.The German authorities, who pay no attention to the legal rights and acquisitions of the refugees and since 24th October kept Mehmet Comut imprisoned for an ‘investigation’ due to ‘Turkey’s demand for his extradition’. Mehmet Comut has been informed that he well remain in imprisoned until Karlsruhe Court comes to a verdict regarding the demand of Turkey. However, Mehmet Comut, without a delay, should have been freed to go back to France according to his legal status and effective laws. Otherwise it means a clear violation of internationally approved clauses from the Geneva Conventions regarding refugee and human rights.

We demant the immediate release of Mehmet Comut, and a positive answer to his application for refugee status. We call upon all progressive and democratic organisations and individuals to solidarity with Mehmet Comut. We invite all responsive groups and individuals to actively response to the anti-democratic practices towards political refugees around the EU.

– We once again condemn the anti-democratic and provocative attitude of the German authorities!
– Attacks on Political Refugees are attacks to Human Rights!
– Stop the terrorization of political refugees for extradition!
– Immediate release of Mehmet Comut! Freedom to all political prisoners!

ATİK General Council

AHM-ATIK News Agency