Home , Europe , Congratulations on the 25th Anniversary of the Confederation of Workers From Turkey in Europe!

Congratulations on the 25th Anniversary of the Confederation of Workers From Turkey in Europe!

ATIK | 19 – 12 – 2011 | Our Confederation ATIK founded on 19th December 1986 is now within it’s 25th year of struggle. Within these 25 years, ATIK has been able to maintain it’s anti-imperalist, anti-fascist and resistant strong line , regardless of the  many challenges and difficulties in the migrants’ struggle for democratic rights. In 1986, when our confederation, which was established as a result of the accumulated experiences; the experiences gained by initially ATÖF (Federation of Students from Turkey in Germany) and afterwards ATIF (Federation of Workers from Turkey in Germany) were transferred to ATIK and the goals and objectives that were clarified during the founding stage have carried our confederation to these days.

ATÖF being at the beginning of many firsts in Europe, was the first democratic mass organisation established by students from Turkey. ATÖF continued to grow as a democratic federation expanding its focus from students issues to workers issues, a federation which was able to organise them and thus expanding it’s body over the German borders to other countries and transformed it into the mass organisation ATIF.

When ATIF was founded, it operated as the single and most strongest mass organisation with thousands of members and supporters in Germany and upto 1986 practically operated with its activities as a confederation. ATIF, who has supporters outside of Germany in countries such as France, Switserland, Australia, Austria, Holland and UK, has gained considerable experiences as a federation by achieving significant successes that cannot be underestimated.  Hence, as a need of this expanding body, ATIK was founded on 19th December 1986 in Germany in Franfurt with the participation of delegates from many different countries in Europe at it’s first Congress and was announced to the public.

ATIK, has essentially formed itself as a democratic mass organisation, resulting from the acccumulation of experience gained, on three main programs; firstly; to struggle for the ecomomic, democratic demands and  rights of workers from Turkey in Europe. Secondly; to advance on an anti-imperialist path and thirdly; to move in the international arena with the spirit of solidarity. ATIK has never deviated from this and has sustained and carried its legacy, spirit and excitement to contemprary times.

ATIK, maintaining a reputable line in the anti-imperialist struggle, has been able to ongoingly inform the masses on the roots of repression and suppression regardless where it originates from. ATIK has continously kept its international spirit; where ever in the world, it has defended, propagated the rights of suppressed peoples and the toiling masses with great solidarity. With pamflets and mass activities, it has brought many massacres, workers struggles, students movements and national liberation struggles of oppressed peoples to the attention of the European public opionion. By supporting the social liberation struggle in Turkey, the struggle for rights of student and oppressed peoples and opposing the assimilatory state oppression on the Kurdish nation, the repression and masscres towards the Alevites, ATIK has been carried to present times as a respected and trusted mass organisation.

With the new program adapted during the last congress ATIK has also expanded it’s field of activities. The new program which is based on the acceptance of the reality that the migrants from Turkey will be staying permanently in Europe, has brought about important changes in the activity areas. ATIK has been courageous in every step taken and has not shyed away from truth and reality. With 25 years of struggle experience and learning, there are no barriers for ATIK to achieve even greater successes. Congratulations to the community that possessed the skills and talents to carry forward the experiences and learning of 25 years.

We congratulate all our friends who have contributed to ATIK being carried into these 25 years.