Home , World , Colombian state forces raid camp of FARC guerillas

Colombian state forces raid camp of FARC guerillas

COLOMBIA | 11 – 01 – 2010 | The Colombian state forces have raid a FARC guerilla camp in the southern of the forest region, the attack happened during the New Year celebration. Dozens of guerrillas had been celebrating the entrance of 2010.

The bombardment took place on Friday in the province of Meta, an area used by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC. This region is a place in where the guerrillas have been strong ever since they started their struggle.

In the assault about more then 18 guerrillas were killed and many are injured. In another attack on the same evening in a different area it was the state’s army that faced an attack. FARC guerrillas opened the fire against a army patrol in the southwestern region of Huila.