Home , Europe , Capitalists and their governments are the real criminals Solidarity to the Turkish workers

Capitalists and their governments are the real criminals Solidarity to the Turkish workers

300px-Communist_Party_of_Greece_(Marxist-Leninist)_logoGREECE | 15-05-2014 | We are publishing the Press Release from the CPG (ml)  concerning the Soma mine workers massacre. (AHM)

The Turkish and the world working class are shocked after the new terrible crime of the capitalists at the coal mine of Soma in the Manisa province of Turkey. The workers of the whole world weep for hundreds of their class brothers that have been burned to death and buried deep into the bowels of earth. Our brothers worked there daily for a terror wage in order to support themselves and their families. We are all angry for the murdering capitalist policies that, in order to augment their profits, compel workers, even underage children, to work in slavery conditions, without security measures, in an exhaustive pace, and for hunger wages. The mass murder in Manisa, Turkey also shows the consequences of privatizations and the freedom to act for the private capital and the employers.

The Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) sends our solidarity to the workers of Turkey who demonstrate against capital and its servant, the Erdoğan government. We send our revolutionary greetings to the communists and militants who fight in the streets against state repression. Capitalism is a murderous system that has to be overthrown in order for the workers and the whole human race to live in a society of equality, security and justice.


Athens, 15 May 2014


International Relations Bureau

Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)

CPG (m-l)
