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ATİK: we condemn the closing of the DTP!

atik_logoATIK | 13 – 12 – 2009 | The fascist state mentality of the Turkish ruling classes continues. The annihilating, segregation and denying policies continue. This reality was seen much clearer today. The so called ‘Kurdish solution’, ‘democratic solution’, ‘unity, togetherness, brotherhood project’ initiated by the state and the previous ruling party AKP’ showed with the closing of the DTP (Democratic Society Party) that the real purpose of this project only aims to give pieces of the legal and just demands of the Kurdish people, and through the way of misleading and diverting direction of denial and liquidation policies can clearly be seen.

The scene of the last 25 years in where villages, towns and arable fields were burned, hundreds of thousands Kurt’s were send to exile, thousands of unidentified murder, disappearances, inhuman treatment and torture against the Kurdish and revolutionary prisoners, more then 30 thousand executed Kurdish activists, bombings and closing of newspapers, magazines and association buildings, hundreds of Kurdish children that were killed by state forces etc. now a new chain of the attacks was included, the lynch attacks against the political parties and its representatives who were elected in the regional elections in March by the Kurdish nation and became the first party in the Kurdish region.

Until today parties like HEP, DEP, OZDEP and HADEP and now DTP were trying to defend the rights and demands of the Kurdish people on a legal basis. Chairperson Ahmet Turk and Aysel Tugluk were taken away from the position of Member of Parliament (PM) and to 37 leader’s 5 years of political prohibition.

The closing of the DTP who are the legitimate, democratic will elected by the Kurdish people, is nothing else then the expression of the fear and the panic of the Turkish state against the resistance and struggle of the Kurdish people. They mistake if they think that they can backward and stop the democratic and just struggle of the Kurdish people, by simply closing the DTP.

The Kurdish people will continue the resistance with all the legitimate struggle methods and is going to deepen the indelible and impasse of the Turkish fascist system.

We as ATIK’ condemn the closing of the DTP and protest against this unilateral fascist decision of the constitutional court. We call upon our people from different nationalities and the international public to support the continuous struggle for the just and legitimate demands of the Kurdish nation.

Stop the annihilation and segregating policies; full equal rights to the Kurdish nation!

ATİK General Council